In addition to being an Assisted Living Provider and Comprehensive Home Care Provider, ASPARK Inc offers 245D support services such as:
Provides clients with support 24 hours a day.
Services include supervision, non-medical care, and socialization.
Services include grocery shopping, running errands, helping with organization, making the bed, laundry, light-duty housekeeping, washing dishes, and meal preparation.
Overnight assistance and monitoring provided by an awake staff in the person’s own home.
Provides caregivers such as family members with a break or relief.
Services ensure loved ones get sensitive and discreet one-to-one support from our trained staff.
Services provide support and assistance for older adults who need cues, reminders, physical assistance, or intermittent/moderate assistance to remain in their own homes.
Services provide essential support and training in community living service categories for clients living in their family’s home or their own home.
Services to increase positive behavior and decrease or eliminate severe, challenging behavior.
Services designed to promote staff and caregiver competency to meet a person’s needs in eligible areas.
Short-term care and intervention strategies provided to a person due to the need for caregiver relief, protection of the person or others living with the person or the person’s need for behavioral or medical intervention.
Services needed by an adult with a developmental disability or related condition(s) to live successfully in the community.
Services that develop and maintain life skills for people with developmental disabilities or related conditions so they can fully participate in community life.
Services that prepare people with disabilities for jobs with competitive pay and help them achieve greater independence in their community. Prevocational services teach general work skills and concepts rather than specific work skills for a particular job.
Service designed for people who may benefit from continued rehabilitation and community integration directed at the development and maintenance of community living skills.
Effective July 1, 2018, supported employment services began the transition to the new disability waiver employment services.
Services that help a person gain a better understanding of competitive, integrated employment opportunities in his/her community. Exploration activities and experiences strengthen a person’s knowledge, interests and preferences so he/she can make informed decisions about competitive employment.
Individualized services designed to help a person achieve competitive, integrated employment, become self-employed or establish a microenterprise business in his/her community.
Individualized services and supports that help people maintain paid employment in community businesses/settings. Employment support services occur in integrated community settings.